Thursday, July 7, 2011

Quentin Tarentino Films

Quentin Tarantino is one of my favorite directors. His movies always have interesting plots, great cinematography, outstanding dialogue, and terrific acting. As far as writing goes, it's very rare that i find someone who can write better dialogue and stroy than him. His directing style is also its own entity. Many have tried to duplicate it but no one has a style like he does. So in honor of Quentin i'm gonna count down his movies from worst to best. Now these are only gonna be the movies that he has directed not written or produced so you're not gonna see natural born killers or from dusk till dawn on here just the 7 films that he's directed.

6.Death Proof

This was a disapointment to say the least. This seemed more like a movie being made by someone trying to be Tarantino instead of an actual Tarantino movie. There was way to much pointless dialogue between the girl protagonists and he tried to do what he did with From Dusk Till Dawn which was lead you in one direction in the movie then have the real plot start when you're 45 minutes into the movie. The problem with Death Proof and the reason that structure didnt work is because you don't care about the characters. They weren't developed and they're just there to get harased and killed by Kurt Russell. Big disapointment.

5.Kill Bill vol. 1 and 2

These actually seem to be the favorites to many mainstream movie goers. Now I do think these are good, unlike Death Proof, but to me these do seem to have the least substance out of the rest. They were just blood soaked kung fu revenge movies but that's really just what they're suppose to be. What I love about Tarantino is that so far he has proved that he can pretty much make any genre he wants and make it good. He really understands all types of movies and this and the next films on this list really show that, being that none of these are in the same genre.

4.Reservoir Dogs

His first film, which really shows his style and how different he is from other directors. This is a heist movie and the bulk of it takes place in a warehouse type place where the members of the thief group are suppose to meet up after the heist. These members are only known by the name of a color like Mr. White and Mr. Orange. This film shows Tarantino's talent for directing and writting because the dialogue is some of the best written in any film, perticularly in the first scene at the diner.

3.Inglourious Basterds

His take on war movies and it is one of the best war movies ever made. Actually it's a war fairy tale. As strange as that seems, this is an amazingly brilliant and surpisingly hilarious movie with superb acting by Christof Waltz, who won best supporting, and Brad Pitt, who I feel should have at least been nominated for one of his best performances in this film.

2.Jackie Brown

The most underrated film on this list. It is fantastic and, unlike all the other movies on this list, has no action scenes. The thing that makes this so good is that this movie has THE BEST DIALOGUE EVER WRITTEN FOR ANY MOVIE, PERIOD. I flows so well and has an almost musical rhythm to the way it is said by the actors. It all just works so well and makes this such an entertaining film to watch.

1.Pulp Fiction

This really is his masterpeice. Nothing has yet been able to surpass this. I watched Jackie Brown for the first time this year and said to myself, wow i think i liked that better then Pulp Fiction, but a few days later i put Pulp Fiction in again and it just blew me away once again and it made me feel like an idiot for almost forgetting how good it really is. The stories connect so perfectly and are shown in the exact way that they should be. There was a special version of this on Bravo that was edited in chronalogical order and it just wasn't the same. Everything in it is how it should be and it's near perfect. Quentin Tarantino shows with every movie he releases how bad ass and good he can be. Even though he's only directed seven movies, he's shown that he is more talented then many other directors in our time.