Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Cinema Lounge: The Last Stand

Well it's been about a decade since the governator has been in the role as lead action hero. His last true outing in the genre was in Terminator 3 then he went on to bigger things when he became the governor of California. Now he's back in the Jee-woon Kim directed action movie, The Last Stand.

The Last Stand centers around a sheriff from a small town on the Texas/ Mexico border. Along with him are his three deputies who are used to a simple life as far police work goes being that nothing ever really happens in their quaint little town. The sheriff is on his weekend off while most of the occupants of the town go with the high school football team to an out of town game. Meanwhile, the FBI lose a captive fugitive who steals an insanely fast sports car and plans to cross the Mexican boarder. But he makes a big mistake when he tries to cross through Arnold's town.

So the movie basically plays out how you'd think. Bad guy is smart enough to out smart the FBI, bad guy goes through small town, bad guy meets Arnold, Arnold beats the shit out of him. It's a simple enough premise and in theory it works pretty well as a return movie for Schwarzenegger. But let us keep in mind that this is, after all, A SCHWARZENEGGER MOVIE. So obviously this has some very bad and very dumb moments in it, with some fun action and gun play.

The main thing that brings down the movie is Arnold himself. He hasn't been front and center on screen in awhile and boy does it show. I mean the guy was no Gregory Peck, but in  my opinion he was never cringe worthy bad or anything. Unfortunately here, he's just that. Part of it has to do with the dialogue I must admit but I think he still needs some time to get back into the swing of things.

As far as supporting cast goes there are some familiar faces along with Arnold. The most prominent, or at least the most prominently made by the trailer, the poster, and every single T.V. spot I saw for this movie, would be Johnny Knoxville even though he's only in it for about 20 minutes altogether (thankfully). Forrest "If- there's- a- paycheck- involved- I'll- take- the- part" Whitaker does an over the top, but at times hilarious, job of being the FBI agent in charge of the situation, who also sucks at his job. The other two notables are Peter Stormare (Fargo) who plays one of the over the top villains and Luis Guzman... You know, that one guy who was in a bunch of stuff. Yeah him.

This was Jee-woon Kim's American directorial debut, though he does have a sort of cult following for his foreign films like "I Saw The Devil" and "A Tale of Two Sister", mostly horror work. For his first American movie, welllllllll, hey it could've been worse. I still have to see his other work but it does look promising.

The one interesting thing the film has going for it, is the fact that this is basically a western. Now not in the complete and utter literal sense but when you really analyze the film there are a lot of western elements to it. It was obviously heavily influenced by them at least. The film also has a weird theme through out between old verses new. For example, Arnold has a gun fight with one of the villains. The villain is holding an old timey Smith and Wesson looking gun, while Arnold uses a more modern day version of that. It's a bit odd and the message that they would seem to be conveying is "New good. Old Bad." which doesn't really favor kindly to Arnold when you think about it.

All in all the movie is along the lines of Commando. It's bad but it's not BAD. If anything it's at least enjoyable and that's really all you could want from a Schwarzenegger movie. The biggest problem with the film, aside from technical things that don't really matter in an Arnold movie, is that it isn't very memorable and doesn't leave a lasting impression really.

While this wasn't the mega success most people thought it would be, it was a decent enough starting point for Arnold to return to acting. And while it may not make the big bucks like it was predicted to, one thing's for sure, Arnold is back.


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