Tuesday, February 19, 2013

5 Things Disney Has To Do To Make A Good Star Wars Movie

 I love Star Wars. It's my favorite film series of all time. I even like the prequels... Oh that's right, I said it. Even the prequels. I'm such a Star Wars nerd that I know how many main engines are on a Star Destroyer (it's 3) and I even know what planet Han Solo is from (its Corellia). So as you can imagine when I heard that there was going to be not only a Star Wars VII but stand alone movies about Han, Yoda, and Boba Fett, let's just say I got excited. REALLY EXCITED. Now that's not to say I didn't have reservations about it as well. I knew just how bad these movies could end up being cause we already have had bad Star Wars movies (I know I said I like the prequels but I do realize they suck. They're really guilty pleasures.). There are certain key elements that Disney must include in order to make Star Wars movies that can bring the magic that the originals brought to the big screen. And I'm going to tell you what those elements are. Here are the top 5 things Disney has to do to make a good Star Wars movie, by yours truly.

5. Include characters from the original trilogy: This has kind of been confirmed with the news that Harrison Ford is in talks to come back as Han. All we would need than, obviously, would be Fisher, Hamill, Dee- Williams, and Mayhew. I wouldn't mind seeing Daniels as C3PO and Baker as R2D2 again but in all honesty they don't NEED to be in it. If all these characters come back though, they shouldn't be the focus of the story. They should just be side characters sort of like mentors maybe to the other characters. Now obviously if they decide to put the sons and daughters of these characters in the movies than they would fit into the mentor roles seamlessly, but if the main characters end up being maybe Jedi than Luke would fit nicely into a Yoda- like role with Han and Leia just being allies (I kind of like this angle).

4. Make a movie for both parents and children: The original Star Wars came out almost forty years ago. Most fans of the series are parents by now with kids of their own who probably like the prequels while the parents stand by the originals. Probably the hardest thing this movie has to accomplish is to make a Star Wars that both generations of fans will love. One way of doing this would be to have the story have something to do with the new Jedi order that Luke forms. It would have the best things from both trilogies, good story and plot from the originals and the cool Jedi from the prequels, cause let's face it, that's really all the prequels had going for them.

3.Have ONE main villain for the whole trilogy: A big problem that the prequels have is that they have just too many villains. Yeah their all interesting and cool but it really bogs down the series when you have to introduce a new villain in each movie. It also really lessens the affect of the villain. For example, Count Dooku has a very interesting back story but it's only known to the viewer through dialogue. If Lucas were smarter, Dooku would have been a character in The Phantom Menace so that it could have been a surprise when he went to the dark side. He also would have been a much better and more fleshed out character and foreshadow to Anakin.

2. No Jar Jar: ...Self explanatory.

1. There has to be an actual war happening: It doesn't seem like it should be that big of a thing to bring up but this is one of the big reasons the prequels suck. I mean there isn't a war going on in episodes 1 and 2. No war. In a Star WARS movie. It's right in the fucking title for God's sake and yet Lucas thought it would be best to not have an actual war go on in the first two prequels and instead show a little whinny bitch cry about his bad dreams. Revenge of the Sith got better cause after two whole movies they finally got to the goddamn Clone Wars. It's pretty amazing actually that this point even has to be brought up but there it is. If we had had episodes 1 and 2 actually be about The Clone Wars as a whole the prequels probably would have been a lot better than they were (I can dream).
Well that's my two cents on it. They have a really good team working on episode VII and the stand alone movies that are planned so I'm optimistic. J.J. is a great choice to direct and Michael Arndt has proven that he can write characters and stories very well, and really that's what Star Wars is about. 2015 is a ways off and while I don't exactly know where life might take me by than, I do know that at midnight on it's release date I'll be right in that audience wearing my TIE fighter shirt and waving a lightsaber, ready to once again be taken to a galaxy far far away.

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